Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Milking Carbon?

Despite the clear concerns that many environmental activists, scientists, and anyone else paying any attention at all to the meaning of the terms "carbon offsetting" have towards this activity of dubious worth, ole' Welchie's PR peeps have shown that they may actually know what they are doing in terms of righting Welchie's first-term blues.

This is clear from the press that continued to flow in all weekend regarding the carbon neutrality "initiative" that Welch still has up on his website, and probably will for as long as, what's that other issue? oh yeah, the war, goes on.

Why? Well, it's a lot easier to simply say the words "carbon," "decrease" and Welch in the same sentence and watch the press go bonkers than answer questions about why it took you three weeks to sign on to a slightly meaningful anti-war bill. Even despite the fact that you have personally gained tens of thousands of dollars off of some of the biggest oil-for-profits, pollution spewing companies in the world. That's how powerful these magic words are...they make hypocritical stock-ownership that invalidates the legitimacy of your caring about an issue disappear!

Who cares if Welch owned up to $50,000.00 of Iraq War cheerleaders British Petroleum stock? Hey, that's a lot of traction for $672. Some one got a big pat on the back and an attah-boy over that one.

Yes, this weekend it was all smiles as Welch stopped by the Rutland Price-Chopper (we guess that the more popular Wal-Mart wouldn't be too good of a photo-op), on his second campaign stop of the 08' season. Except, that is, some teachers who told him he's not doing enough to stop the war. Check it out in this woefully inadequate piece here. Teachers are reading WW, eh. Who knew?

According to the article, Welch was seen taking people's names down, promising that he would have people look into their problems, and generally having a great time. We'll look for more on that one. Also, he stopped by the airport to hear about how much money he might be able to get them. Up to $50 million, you say? Hey, how much would it cost to offset the emissions of one single plane landing at "Rutland/Southern Vermont Regional?" Someone get on that, maybe Welchie will write a check right now and get another two weeks of publicity out of it! We wouldn't be surprised.

The other issue that Welch isn't talking about by blathering on about this carbon thing? Impeachment. Yes, it's getting to be near that time. That time of the year when Vermonters go to their towns, pass a budget, and get interviewed by a thousand national media outlets on how quaint they are. This year, a bunch of towns are getting serious about it.

What does Welchie think about impeaching his boy Bush? In a word: nothing. But hey, we were thinking, if Bush actually got impeached, how would that effect the value of Welchie's autograph? Apparently, it would make it less valuable. That must be why Welch won't support the idea that his pal Bush should be impeached. Maybe he should call that guy John Sartore, Bush's college chum about it again. You know, get some sage advice? No? Well, it was just a thought.

But it's one that should further piss off those who once saw some of themselves in Welch, but now every time they see the guy can't stop thinking of that famous grin and handshake moment. We'll wait and see what happens. Maybe some tree-planting operation that offsets carbon emissions will come along round' town meeting' day? Welchie, get your checkbook!

Next time just don't say we didn't warn you.

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