Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pelosi: "Welch rocks!"

Well, it didn't take the freshperson Rep from the old Green Mountain State long to "obviously impress" the new, ultra-left (and ultra anti-gun) Speaker of the House. WW has learned, through reading the news, that old Welchie will be landing a "plum" seat on the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform.

Check out Wilson Ring's take on it here. Cool, right? He'll be investigatin' this, subpoenaing documents on that, making "serious speeches"...whew! It's a good thing he has that dog, oh yeah, "pepper" to keep him company. Should be some long nights in his new Capitol Hill digs...those just recently vacated by Jim Jefford's former COS (see future posts for more on this seemingly odd turn of events).

However, perhaps a more pertinent question as to what Welch will be up to on the Hill, is that of what he'll be doing about his main, fire and brimstone, ace in his sleeve with the Vermont voters: oh yeah, its the war, stupid! What. To do. About. that effing war...well: it doesn't look like the guy has too many options. Maybe if we look at what he said on the campaign trail we can find his intent....way back in January 06, this is what Welch had to say:

VDB(Philip Baruth): I'm wondering, how immediate is the withdrawal you're calling for?

Welch: I'd like to have the troops out this year. (2006)

Baruth: All of them.

Welch: Yes.

Baruth: would you leave a chunk there as a rapid reaction force. or-

Welch: Well, I'd like to have the troops out this year. I think in order to realistically achieve that goal there would have to be an aggressive commitment to planning the implementation of that goal.

Let's think about this: an aggressive commitment to planning on how to get troops home well, i guess now its last year. Sounds a bit different than the old plan-o he's coming up with in the status quo, which sounds like it may be right from the desk of the Dr. Evil to Welch's mini-me: Pat "the godfather of VT politics" Leahy. Here it is, in all of its sleek glory:

"I would oppose adding troops" Welch said in an interview, "and I would support steps to deny funding for more troops."

Whoa, Welchie. What about getting the troops already in Iraq back home pronto, or as you might say "yesterday?" It looks like Bush has shifted the debate into one of whether or not to surge troops, and away from the "bring them home now" mantra of the campaign trail. Its pretty easy to get destracted up there, isn't it Welch, what with the glory of the sun rising on DC during your morning jog/ press availability. Don't worry though, WW will be there to keep you guys up to date. No fee either!

In this context it is interesting to note that Welch has not signalled any interest in signing onto, or in creating new, legislation such as this. Note to VT "US OUT NOW!" advocates: is this really the real deal you thought you were voting for?

"Giddy now," perhaps...but for how long?

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Welch has done everything he's promised so far -- it's only been a week; give him a break!

And have you ever tried to get affordable housing in DC? It's all in the networking, and personally, I think we should talk to members of the other Party more.

Vermonters should be grateful to have a freshman Congressman on two important committees. That would not have happened if Rainville had been elected.