Thursday, January 11, 2007

Welcome to WW!

Welcome to Welch Watch (WW), the only site on the web dedicated exclusively to following the daily, weekly and monthly activities of Vermont's current At-Large Congressperson, as well as his statements, activities, claims beliefs and opinions, both past and future. The intention of this site is to serve as a meeting place, a "space opening" place, whereby interested parties can come together to examine what Welch has been saying recently, share thoughts on Welch, his life, times, political future, and any other Welch-oriented information in an open forum of Welchisness. That's right...All Welch, All the time, baby. Do you smell the Welch now? The aura of Welchosity abounds!

We at WW hope that those who come across the site will be able to read about what Welch is up to, the way he is feeling about the issues effecting Vermonters, and just about anything related to Peter Welch. Stories will be linked to, other blogs implicated, and generally a good time will be had by all. Also, we hope that concerned citizens will share their stories about Welch with WW through the WW site. Anything is open territory: constituent services, run-ins, mishaps, coincidences...anything at all pertaining to Welch will be open for discussion!

We look forward to witnessing the development of WW, its early childhood, first steps, teething and terrible two's, and whatever comes next. Look for additional features to be added in the days ahead as stories develop.

Of course, tips and comments along the way will be appreciated, and responded to when possible and/or necessary.

So once again, welcome!



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